Science Deniers go to COP27
Science has no place in Iran’s government. Hossein Heydarian, the vice president of Tehran Municipal Waste Organization, denied the photos and NASA report about the formation of methane gas mass on top of the waste depot in the south of Tehran and publicly rejected NASA’s research.
Now a group from the Weather and Climate Change Center headed by Dr. Ali Selajgeh has been sent to Sharm el-Sheikh for the COP27 summit in Egypt. With Zayandehrud, Lake Urmia, and the lowering of the water levels in various dams from the north to the south of the country, for which no organization in Iran accepts responsibility, Dr. Selajgeh said: “No document will be signed in this meeting, and we are more in the position of demand.”
we are present; Because some of the commitments that were supposed to be made by several countries have not been fulfilled, and in some way, the transfer of technologies, transfer of knowledge, etc., has not been done.
In the end, the people of Iran are left with a dried-up country, and the Public Relations of the Ilam government announced that It takes at least 100 to 300 years to produce one centimeter of soil suitable for agriculture.