Amidst the busyness of our daily lives, regardless of our geographic location, politics fails to offer a viable solution for alleviating our challenges as politicians strive to appease their constituents for votes or cater to influential interest groups. At the same time, religious extremist regimes seek to impose their ideological doctrines within their immediate spheres of control. Despite politicians’ attempts to portray a different reality, economies worldwide remain in disarray. Although progressive nations hold interfaith gatherings, religious figures predominantly promote their faith while discrediting others. The overwhelming influx of refugees in various regions exacerbates the scarcity of resources, with the persistent presence of racism within host countries hindering progress. While some well-intentioned politicians and religious leaders endeavor to find solutions for the betterment of humanity, their efforts fall short. Wars persist and thrive, fueled by arms manufacturers and dealers, as political aspirations, corporate profits, and concerns of religious leaders about declining religious adherence take precedence over halting conflicts. One can succinctly summarize the predicament: humanity finds itself without a viable pathway toward resolution.